Christ Church is a place where we lift lives, elevate Christ, and are a church for those not here yet. Worship with us onsite or online and birth-5th graders are invited to CC Kids during each service.
Some of Jesus’s very first followers confronted him on one of the most intimidating, confusing, beautiful, and complex topics of faith–prayer. They pleaded with him, “Lord, teach us to pray!” He responded by teaching them The Lord’s Prayer. Join us this Easter season as we ask Jesus to teach us to pray by examining the depth, nuance, complexity, and beauty of the Lord’s Prayer.
Journey to Easter Resources for all ages
Access your Message Hub below
• Take message notes online
• Print the message notes
• Get the Reflection Guide
• Access message video and audio after Sunday
Our birth-5th graders look forward to CC Kids! Age-appropriate worship, learning, and activities stick with them all week long and set the stage for a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Check in at the blue wall in the West Atrium and see each of your littles ones off to their secure and engaging environment.
This group meets during the 10:30 service during the school year (excluding holidays) and helps to transition 6th graders from CC Kids to adult worship. They start in the West Auditorium Balcony, then move to the Upper Cafe for age-appropriate lessons during the message. They finish by joining the West Auditorium for communion through end-of-service.
Students in grades 6-12 gather weekly during the school year (excluding holidays) from 6:00-7:30pm in the CC Youth Room (past the Community Rooms) for hangout time, games, large group teaching, and small groups. Grow in your faith while experiencing a positive community with supportive North Shore students.
Prayer Partners
Stop by the Chapel after any Sunday service to have one of our Prayer Partners pray over you.
Online Prayer Wall
Visit the Online Prayer Wall during prayer time on Sundays or any time during the week. Add your prayer request or pray over the needs and click “I prayed for this” to let others know you’re supporting them.
East Auditorium Prayer Wall
Fill out a Prayer Card from the seat back pockets and hang it on the Prayer Wall at either side of the East Auditorium. Then take an existing card, pray over it, and take it home to add to your weekly prayer list.
This is where community happens! Come early or stay after service for conversation and not-for-profit beverages and snacks.
We support local! CC Café features Fiddleheads coffee, Rishi tea, and Hollander Chocolate.
If you’re plugged into a Serve Team at Christ Church, thank you! To view your next spot or sign up for a slot, visit My CC on the Church Center website or app.
If you haven’t found your team yet, browse around and let us know what you’re interested in!
Our favorite teams for teens include CC Café, CC Kids, Tech, Welcome, and Special Events.
One of our core values is radical generosity and it is our hope that all regular attenders and covenant members will lean into this step of faith.
There are lots of ways to give at Christ Church, whether it’s ongoing or a one-time gift. Choose the one that's best for you!