Everyone has a next step. Whether it’s baptism, joining a small group, starting to serve, or discipling others, Christ Church is here to help you get started on what’s next in your faith journey. What’s your next step?
Who We Are • What We DoSun Apr 27 | 11:45am-1:00pmCC Café
Membership information, benefits, and process.
A Christ Church Faith Step for infants, children, and adults
A Faith Step starting at grade 5Spring Session: Sat Apr 26 | 9am-1pmCC Youth Room
A Christ Church Faith Step starting at grade 7
Ongoing groups for men, women, and a mix of both offer growth, support, and accountability.
Appointment-based 1-on-1 faith mentoring.
There are lots of ways to give at Christ Church. Choose the one that's best for you.
Start your wedding journey here by filling out a wedding application form.
Entrusting our loved ones to the hands of God.