Simply stated, Christ Church follows the direction of the Mequon-Thiensville School District. Visit your favorite news channel website to see if MTSD has published any closures.
Read more about our weather cancelation policy below.
If the Mequon-Thiensville School District cancels school for the day, Christ Church will cancel all activities for the day.
If the Mequon-Thiensville School District cancels all evening activities, Christ Church will cancel all evening activities.
Click the buttons above to check local news websites for MTSD closings.
If the Mequon-Thiensville School District cancels activities, we will use our own discretion whether to hold worship services, and communicate with you through online channels as early as possible.
We will notify the news sources listed.
Click the buttons above to check local news websites.
We will also communicate through our usual online channels including email and Facebook.
Any Groups scheduled to meet will be responsible for deciding whether or not to meet and for contacting their regular attenders.
Contact the office with any questions: 262-243-3093 or